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“The little publishing house that could…”


Founder BJ Dowlen started her writing career as a ghost-writer, writing blogs, magazine articles, social media content, and eventually books for her Bodywork clients while she was on location with them.

After sitting in on numerous publishing house negotiations, watching her clients receive only 10-12% of the book profits. At the same time, requiring clients (even high-profile clients) to create their own marketing plans to sell books, BJ set out to create a publishing house where the book clients receive 50% of the profits. Her first step was to streamline the process and cut out the excess costs, no more paying “Madison Avenue” price tags for office spaces and salaries. 

Instead, BJ met with and interviewed clients in person and on location: in their homes, on the beach, at hotel pools, wherever was convenient for the client, and assumed all the upfront costs.

Her gift of having the ability to write 10,000 words a day allowed BJ to personally write 1-2 books a month for her clients, effectively wiping out the standard $50K writing, editing, and publishing fees. This efficiency standard allowed more clients the opportunity to share their stories and ultimately get their books published. 

Her previous business ventures include inventing and distributing multi-award-winning, American Made, wellness products, which have been featured in Oprah’s O List, L.A. Times, MSNBC, FOX News, Today Show, Bravo TV, The Doctor’s TV, The Fab Life, The View, Inc. Magazine, USA Today, Home Shopping Network and more. 

She used her vast experience of drop shipping thousands of orders of her wellness products to reduce the cost of shipping books. Simultaneously, this experience allowed her to eliminate the “need” to ship via Amazon, allowing more revenue to go directly into the pockets of her book clients.

Bodyworks Publishing is an indie publishing house. We write & publish FASCINATING books & split profits 50/50 with our clients. 

We proudly print and ship all books in America!